Lorraine McBride (Vic AusTimorFN Facilitator), Rae Kingbury (TL Honorary Consul) and the Local Government Victoria team at the farewell for the Timorese Leaders.
In April-May, eight Timorese leaders, including Sr Abilio Caetano, Director in State Administration responsible for Friendship Groups spent one month in Melbourne to participate in the Australia Awards which are prestigious international Fellowships funded by the Australian Government through DFAT.
Australia Awards Fellowships build capacity and strengthen partnerships between Australian organisations and partner organisations in eligible developing countries in support of key development and foreign affairs priorities. By providing short-term professional development opportunities in Australia, mid-career professionals and emerging leaders can tap into Australian expertise, gaining valuable skills and knowledge.
The 2015 Australia Awards Fellowships (AAF) program offered the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Local Government Victoria and Local City Councils the opportunity to deepen and broaden their links with leaders in Timor-Leste, by providing opportunities for Fellows to undertake professional development and attend work placements in Victoria.
The 2015 AAF program was for current and future leaders, who will be in a position to contribute to strategic development of their country. Fellowship activities were aimed at providing high-quality training, exchange of expertise, skills and knowledge, and opportunities to enhance networks.
Local Development and Decentralisation in Timor-Leste promotes strong institutions, creates opportunities for local democratic participation and establishes more effective, efficient and equitable public service delivery to local and rural communities, as outlined in Timor-Leste’s National Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030.
This fellowship program provides leadership training and local development expert advice to senior directors of the Inter-Ministerial Technical Working Group for Local Development (IMTWGLD), headed by the Ministry of State Administration (MSA).
Members of IMTWGLD are responsible to provide a high standard of policy advice and professional support to the government of Timor-Leste responsible for local development and to implement the government’s policies with professionalism, impartiality, responsiveness and accountability.
The Timorese who participated in this program were:
Abilio Jose Caetano
General Director for Administrative Decentralisation
(and responsible for Friendship Groups)
Ministry of State Administration
Miguel Pereira de Carvalho
General Director for Local Development, Ministry of State Administration
Claudina Soares Pinto
Technical Professional of General Director for Local Development,
Ministry of State Administration
Lino de Jesus Torrezao
National Director, Secretariat for the support of the installation of municipality, Ministry of State Administration
Herminio Moniz Ribeiro
National Director for District Development, Ministry of State Administration
Octavio Almeida
National Director for Planning Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Lidia de Sousa Guterres
Position :National Director Financial De-concentration, Ministry of Finance
Cidalio Leite
Director General for Education, Ministry of Education